Sakana AI lets AI Models breed, Google VLOGGER photo-to-video, Mind-controlled gaming, and some rumors

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😇 Here are the week's GenAI/ AI/ Tech updates. Despite holidays worldwide, the pace of development keeps up.

  • Novel Ways of Building Foundation Models by Sakana AI

  • Google’s VLOGGER

  • Mind-control (like sci-fi, but reality)

  • Some Rumors cooking

Reading time: 4:11 min 🐠 

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🐟️ Novel Ways of Building Foundation Models by Sakana AI

Sakana AI is a new AI research company based in Tokyo, Japan, developing nature-inspired AI models.

It was founded by former Google researchers David Ha and Llion Jones. Jones co-authored the influential 2017 paper "Attention Is All You Need," which introduced the transformer architecture. Ha previously led Google's AI research in Japan.

"Sakana" means fish in Japanese, reflecting their approach of drawing inspiration from the collective intelligence seen in schools of fish.

Rather than building massive centralized models, Sakana aims to create swarms of smaller, specialized models that collaborate.

Sakana has developed an evolutionary model merge method that uses evolutionary algorithms to automatically find optimal ways to combine diverse open-source models into powerful new models custom to specific capabilities.

They created a Japanese language model (LM) with strong math reasoning abilities and a Japanese vision LM that achieved state-of-the-art benchmark results despite not needing to be explicitly optimized.

Their 7B parameter LM even outperformed some 70B parameter models.

Leveraging the growing ecosystem of open models, Sakana believes its evolutionary approach can help organizations develop custom models faster and more cheaply before investing in building proprietary models from scratch.

😎 Google’s VLOGGER Creates Lifelike Talking Videos from a Single Photo

Google launched VLOGGER, a holistic avatar video generation.

  1. VLOGGER offers captivating videos with diverse subjects and lifelike motion:

    → Varied pixel colors: Vibrant spectrum enhancing visual experience.

    → Dynamic subject movement: Subjects bring energy and dynamism to scenes.

  2. Create Dynamic and Expressive Characters

    Experience the magic of animating characters by generating animated faces with just one image and a matching audio track.

  3. Video Editing

    - VLOGGER can be used to edit existing videos.

    - Modify subjects' expressions by closing their mouths or eyes.

  4. VLOGGER creates realistic talking videos in two stages:

    → Generate body motion controls from audio input.

    → Translate controls into frames using an image-to-image model with a reference image for identity.

  5. Video Translation

    One significant application of this model is video translation.

    In this scenario, VLOGGER takes an existing video in one language and adapts the lip and facial movements to synchronize with the new audio.

  6. Cutting Edge Tech

    VLOGGER supports generating rich hand gestures with cutting-edge technology for content creators and influencers.

This is the first version. A few more iterations, and have rich avatar video generation much richer than existing ones. (perhaps even surpassing reality?)

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🧠 Mind-Controlled Gaming, and Beyond - Thanks to Neuralink

Something beautiful has happened.

Noland Arbaugh, who's paralyzed from the shoulders down, showcased how he can play chess using just his thoughts, thanks to a brain implant. He received this implant in January and mentioned that the procedure was surprisingly smooth, with no cognitive issues afterward.

He managed to play online chess and the game Civilization VI for 8 hours straight using the implant.

Neuralink's demo isn't just sci-fi cool; it's showing us the real potential of brain-computer interfaces to change lives. Forget the doom and gloom—it's time to focus on what's legit happening.

Long-term, it is possible to shunt the signals from the brain motor cortex past the damaged part of the spine to enable people to walk again and use their arms normally.

Elon Musk on X

Elon Musk recently announced that Neuralink's next venture is 'Blindsight,' which aims to restore vision for those born without it.

👵 Rumor Mill

iOS 18 may include Anthropic

(Source) iOS 18 is set to enhance Apple's software with a strong AI focus, potentially collaborating with AI firms like Anthropic, known for its Claude 3 models. Why wouldn’t Apple build its own AI model, as they A) have all resources and B) already have a team and capabilities in place? I hope it is because they don’t want to have good but exceptional AI capabilities.

OpenAI's GPT-5 release could be as early as this summer

(Source) According to recent reports and leaks, OpenAI is preparing to release GPT-5, a significant upgrade to its language model, as early as this summer. Enterprise customers who have received demos of GPT-5 describe it as "materially better" than its predecessor, GPT-4. OpenAI has hinted at innovative features, including autonomously calling upon specialized AI agents to handle complex tasks.

🦃 Tweet of the Week

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That was it - I hope you have a great week ahead. ❣️

I feel grateful these days for two reasons.

For one, my book is the 14th bestselling AI book on Amazon. (Feel free to push the rating further.) Second, I celebrated my birthday, and I am so happy that I could spend some time with friends—an irreplaceable feeling.

Thank you so much for reading.
