🍟 Friday - AI Wrap-up #10

Hey there - it’s Martin.

It's Friday, and I can't wait to share my top findings about AI and the exciting world of upcoming tech with you.

The AI world goes nuts about Claude 3.5 Sonnet (and so do I). Currently, Anthropic > OpenAI 🤷 .. but OpenAI is cooking something spicy.

This time, we have my top 3 Claude 3.5 Sonnet outputs (btw. in July, I do a 4-hour coding session with it; stay tuned), Google Gemini’s 2 million token context window, crazy real AI Avatars, Flow Engineering recap, and more.

🎁 Spread the word, get the perk! We launched the referral program.

Skip the last part if you wish, but LinkedIn’s Top Voice Badge (which I’ve been awarded) is the weakest execution of an idea I have ever seen. 😭 🥱 

Reading time is exactly 200 sec; vamos!

(Sponsor) Don’t miss the FREE upskilling offer from Growthschool:

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Hence, this is our gift to simplify your work and life!
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People are building all sorts of things with Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and you can do it as well - in seconds.

These are my top 3 of the 10s of things I have seen people are building.

ℹ️ Stay tuned: on the 8th of July, I plan to do a 4-hour YouTube live coding event with Claude 3.5 Sonnet (perhaps even Opus already exists). My goal is to build something useful for the world and release it. It’s gonna be Redbull and go.

  1. Complex physical system in 256 lines of code.

  1. Transform a research paper (complex) into an interactive learning dashboard with a quiz at the end.

  1. Build the tools you need. Example: Google Calendar.

Google’s Gemini Dev API opens the 2M token context window on Gemini 1.5 Pro. There are also the two Gemma 2 lightweight models.

(Source) A 2M token context window = more than 20x300-page books.

AI Avatars are becoming indistinguishable from real people.

Last week, we reflected on how good AI video generation has become. However, other fields are not stopping progress as well.

AI Avatars will power many future applications. From customer service to entertainment, from education to healthcare.

🔹 Understanding Flow Engineering


Anthropic doesn’t stop. Organize your chats with Claude into shareable projects.

Each project includes a 200K context window to include relevant documents, code, and files.


I have been awarded as an AI Top Voice on LinkedIn and couldn’t care less.

For LinkedIn, it doesn’t matter how often you write quality posts or newsletter episodes that take an actual deep dive into the topic (including hours of research and preparation).

To become a top voice, LinkedIn cares about your comments on its “collaborative articles“ on a topic. For example, one AI article is “Here's how you can boost your creativity and innovation skills for the future as professionals in AI.

Tbh. these are pseudo-conversations, to date, not relevant, and some of the articles don’t even make sense.

99% of the comments are AI-generated. Copy question, paste in AI of choice, ask it to sound human, at voila! This takes 27s and can be repeated daily. Badge in 10 days. 👍️ Congrats.

Why did I go for it? Initially, I wanted to have it, but I realized along the way how wrong it is. Then, I wanted to understand how long it takes. The answer is 28 of the aforementioned iterations.

So many people are wasting so much time with this.

LinkedIn doesn’t care about the quality of posts.

If someone posts about their 18-month anniversary in a mid-level position, it gets 139 likes from a network of 450 connections.

If you take a week to research and write a high-quality post, it gets 21 likes from a network of 24k connections. 🫠 

My take: If you search for quality content, follow the people you trust, whether it is a newsletter or on a relevant social platform like X.com.

I focus on this community here, and perhaps I will start more seriously with X.com.

Comment if you disagree.

Wrapped up!

I hope you enjoyed it + you have a good weekend. 🙃 

I started yesterday, as the summer in Munich is awesome.

Own picture.

Aperol time!
