Claude + Cursor AI + v0 + frameworks = unbound productivity

It’s happening again. FOMO is kicking in.

Everyone can Code!✨ is already true and happening - no matter if you aren’t a coder.

And faster than ever before: AI develops your software products and features, as you describe it. Prerequisite: you need the right frameworks at hand.

This novel way of developing—which is probably the biggest productivity gain humanity has ever faced—has improved even further!

—> Cursor AI & v0 by Vercel.

Reading time is 3 min.

Claude + Cursor AI + v0 + the right frameworks = Unbound Productivity 📈

First, some examples:

A guy developed a SaaS, an MVP version of Photoshop, in sub 30 min.

Another one is MengTo, which has built a video editor to his liking—11k lines of code, 685 commits, and 3 weeks later:

The community is building products like on steroids.

How do they do that? Well, there are 2 main elements to it.

First, the tools.

These tools are game changers. I’m sure you'll be excited to try them out right away.

  • Claude AI—3.5 Sonnet → Build code overall: It is very strong in building Projects with you, similar to ChatGPT. There’s also ChatGPT, Gemini, etc., but Claude is superior at project-based software development and has coherent knowledge about your progress.
    As you describe what you want to build, Claude guides you through the process.

  • Cursor AI → Build code inline. It is a code editor that predicts actions, understands context, and allows natural language edits. It integrates with VSCode, supports extensions, and automates tasks like debugging and code suggestions.
    As you develop your projects with Claude, you resolve remaining code issues and add features with Cursor.

  • v0 by Vercel → Build your front end in no time. Consistently professional. I made a quick video; see it below.

Dashboard of a SaaS application for IT admins, displaying system health metrics, devices overview, recent events, quick actions, upcoming maintenance, and alerts notifications.

Watch the video.

Claude is for coarse-grained software development, Cursor is for fine-grained additions, and v0 is the novel way to build frontends.

In our course, Everyone Can Code! ✨ we use Claude AI, Cursor AI, v0, as well as Perplexity AI and ChatGPT. Cross-pollinating insights from various AI tools has proven to be most effective!

Second, the frameworks.

I have seen many people stuck in loops trying to build solutions with ChatGPT. The outcome? Bad code!

We've developed 3 frameworks to help you build what you want.

We have put experience from 25+ real-world projects into our course, Everyone can Code!✨

The 1st batch of the world’s most enabling course on AI. Learn how to build anything with AI. What does it entail?

✓ Comprehensive Video Lessons + Frameworks

✓ 2 Office Hours w/ Martin (+ optional private sessions)

✓ Exclusive Community of AI Builders (Discord)

That’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed it.

I continue letting AI build my RAG system - knowledge management of the documents I drop into the application.


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